Cricket World Cup: 5 matches of Cricket World Cup will be held in Ekana Stadium under the protection of 2500 police personnel.

Lucknow : There will be 5 matches of Cricket World Cup in the capital Ekana Stadium. More than 2500 security personnel and police personnel will be deployed for its security. To ensure tight security arrangements near the stadium, vehicles without passes will not be allowed to enter. Only vehicles having passes will be able to go. The decision of traffic diversion has been taken in view of the crowd coming for the Cricket World Cup. Entry of spectators will be allowed only after seeing the hard copy of the ticket. Only those tickets purchased from a particular app will be valid. Joint Police Commissioner Law and Order Upendra Aggarwal gave this information in a press conference on Tuesday. Joint Police Commissioner Law and Order Upendra Aggarwal said that 8 SP, 15 ASP, 33 CO, 129 Inspectors will be deployed for security during the match. Along with this, 457 sub-inspectors, 26 ASIs and head constables will be deployed.