Raipur. Congress is going to hold a statewide protest against the unannounced power cuts and hike in electricity rates in Chhattisgarh. Tomorrow, i.e. on Thursday, July 4, Congress workers will protest by gheraoing electricity offices across the state. According to the information, all the Congress leaders and workers in the capital Raipur will gherao the electricity office located at Budha Talab at 1:00 pm tomorrow. During this, a protest will be held against the increased electricity rates, power cuts and power chaos.

There was no problem of electricity during the Congress government – ​​Baij

Congress state president Deepak Baij said that the people of cities and villages are facing the problem of power cuts and low voltage. There was 24-hour power supply during the 5-year rule of Congress. But the system has completely collapsed under the BJP government. Deepak Baij further said that during summers, when the demand increased, power was purchased from other states as well. 24-hour power was supplied to the general public. Farmers who planted Rabi crops also got free power to run borewells.

The power system collapsed within 6 months of BJP government

PCC Chief Deepak Baij said that during the Congress government, the power of transformers was increased to meet the electricity demand and new transformers were installed. Transmissions were upgraded. Under the BJP government, the power system has collapsed within 6 months.

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