E-governance is getting a boost in Chhattisgarh under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai.

Raipur, 9 December 2024/ Swagatam portal has been launched to make the process simple and convenient for the visitors coming to the ministry. Mr. Nitin Wale of Raipur had come to Mahanadi Bhawan Ministry on his personal work to meet the Secretary. While sharing his experience, Mr. Wale said that after registering through Swagatam portal, entering the purpose of visit, personal information and appointment time, he got immediate response. Confirmation message and admit card received.

Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai has provided convenience to the general public for ministry entry by launching the Swagatam portal. Through the Swagatam portal, it has become easier for the general public to meet the officials of the Ministry. Shri Nitin said that after his identity was verified at the entry gate, he easily got entry into the ministry. Praising this portal, he expressed his gratitude towards Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai.

Shri Wale said that the Swagatam portal not only saves time but also strengthens the security mechanism by maintaining details related to the visitors. Due to the details of visitors being already recorded on the portal, the work of administration has also become simpler and the way for common citizens to connect with the government has become easier. Swagatam portal is proving to be helpful in reducing the distance between the government and the public by becoming a symbol of transparency and technical ease of governance.

It is noteworthy that Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai has launched three portals, e-Office System, Chief Minister Office Online Portal and Swagatam Portal, to promote e-governance in Chhattisgarh and bring transparency in government work. This initiative will increase efficiency and transparency in government work along with good governance.