Patients’ relatives will get big relief; Attendants will not have to take blood samples to the pathology lab.

Raipur, January 9, 2025/ Under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai, the expansion of quality healthcare facilities continues in Chhattisgarh. In line with this, on the instructions of Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jayswal, relatives of patients admitted to various wards of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Memorial Hospital will no longer have to take blood samples to the pathology lab for blood tests. The hospital administration has taken a major decision for in-patient patients admitted to the hospital. Now, for pathological tests of all patients admitted to the ward, their blood samples will be collected in the ward and delivered to the path lab by the ward boy. After the tests, the blood reports will be collected and given to the on-duty nurse in the respective ward. Dr. Santosh Sonkar, Superintendent of Ambedkar Hospital, said that initially, this system has been started for patients admitted to Medicine Male Wards No. 8 & 9 and Medicine Female Wards No. 10 & 11. Gradually, after this sample collection system is implemented in all wards, patients will get the biggest relief, and their attendants will not have to go to the pathology lab with blood samples for testing. They will also receive the reports on time.

It is known that more than 950 patients are admitted daily in the 1340-bed Ambedkar Hospital. Around 260 new patients are admitted to the in-patient department (IPD) daily. The number of out-patients (OPD) visiting various departments here is approximately two to two and a half thousand per day. Besides the OPD, blood tests and radiology tests are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for patients coming to the emergency.