Gujarat: Seven people lost their lives, and one was critically injured when a speeding car collided with a trailer truck near Himatnagar in Gujarat’s Sabarkantha district early Wednesday morning, according to police reports. Superintendent of Police Vijay Patel confirmed that seven occupants of the car were killed in the accident. Himmatnagar Deputy SP, AK Patel, stated, “This morning, a car collided with a heavy vehicle on the Himmatnagar highway. Seven individuals traveling in the car have died, and one person is injured. All were residents of Ahmedabad.”

VIDEO | Gujarat: At least seven people were killed in a car-trailer collision in Himmatnagar earlier today. More details are awaited.

(Full video available on PTI Videos –

— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 25, 2024


#WATCH | Sabarkantha, Gujarat | A car collided with a heavy vehicle in Himmatnagar. The police and fire department present at the spot. Injuries and casualties feared. More details awaited.
— ANI (@ANI) September 25, 2024

The car, en route from Shamlaji to Ahmedabad, struck the trailer from behind on a national highway, Himatnagar police confirmed. Superintendent of Police Vijay Patel stated that all seven car passengers were killed in the crash. Reports indicate that the tragic incident occurred on the Himmatnagar highway around 6 a.m. Police have taken custody of the bodies and sent them for post-mortem. Initial investigations suggest that the accident was caused by driver negligence. Authorities are actively continuing their investigation into the matter.