Raipur. 70 companies have submitted rate offers in the rate offer issued by Chhattisgarh State Beverage Corporation for the purchase of foreign liquor, which includes liquor manufacturers of Chhattisgarh as well as liquor manufactured in other states and companies supplying liquor manufactured abroad (BIOS). These companies have given rates for 303 brands of foreign liquor spirit and 69 brands of beer. This information was given today during the review meeting of the Excise Department.

It is worth noting that in the cabinet meeting held on June 19 under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, it was decided to do wholesale purchase of foreign liquor directly from the manufacturing units, ending the system of FL 10 AB license currently in vogue for wholesale sale and storage of foreign liquor. The responsibility of direct purchase of foreign brand liquor was given to Chhattisgarh Beverage Corporation. In compliance with this decision of the cabinet, preparations for purchasing foreign liquor have been started by the Beverage Corporation. In this connection, rate offer has also been issued to the companies. It is worth mentioning here that earlier foreign liquor was purchased in the state by licensees. The government has abolished this system.

Emphasis on transparency and consumer convenience

In the meeting, Secretary cum Excise Commissioner R Sangeeta thoroughly reviewed the preparations being made by the departmental officers regarding the purchase of foreign liquor and ensuring its availability to consumers and gave detailed guidelines to the officers regarding making the proposed system transparent. She instructed the officers to display the rate offers of the companies and the rates to be approved for retail sale on the website according to the brands and labels.

With the implementation of the proposed system to ensure the availability of foreign liquor to consumers in Chhattisgarh, popular brands of liquor sold in major European countries will also be available in shops as per demand. In the meeting, the officials were clearly instructed that it should be ensured that liquor is not sold at a rate higher than the prescribed rate in liquor shops and there is no adulteration in liquor. The CCTV cameras installed in liquor shops will be connected to the centralized video monitoring system of the Excise Headquarters to monitor the prescribed rate and quality of liquor and to take effective action in case of any kind of irregularity.

Brand information will be available through mobile application

It was also informed in the meeting that as per the wishes of Chief Minister Sai, a mobile based application is being prepared by the Excise Department for the purpose of transparency in government work. Through this mobile based application, common people will be able to get information about the availability of various brands of liquor in the liquor shops of the state.

Strict action against illegal liquor and drugs

In the meeting, the Secretary cum Excise Commissioner directed the officers to prepare an action plan to achieve the revenue target keeping in mind the local conditions and to take strict action on the manufacture, storage, transportation and sale of illegal liquor and other intoxicants. The officers of Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation Limited were directed to deposit the amount received from the sale of liquor in the specified bank account within the stipulated time period. If any kind of negligence is found in this, strict action should be taken against the concerned cash collection, bank agency. Instructions were given to speed up the purchase process of hydrometer-thermometer to check the quality of liquor. Instructions were given to complete it within the stipulated time period and make it available to all concerned.

Chhattisgarh State Beverage Corporation and Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation Limited Managing Director Shyam Dhavade, Special Secretary (Excise) Devendra Singh Bhardwaj and senior officers of the headquarters were also present in the meeting.