Manendra Patel, Durg. The shameful act of a Kalyugi son has come to light in Bhilai. Housing Board resident Bhushan Singh is shamelessly beating his elderly mother. This entire incident was captured in CCTV camera. This shameful video of Bhushan Singh, resident of LIG-1182 has surfaced.

Even the school children passing through the street were frightened after seeing this scene. In the viral video of CCTV camera, Bhushan Singh is seen picking up his elderly mother, taking her out of the house, slapping her and strangulating her. Bhushan did not stop even despite the opposition of his neighbors.

The surprising thing is that instead of stopping him, his daughter Twinkle also supported him in his misdeeds. At present the people nearby have demanded from the police administration that if they cannot keep the son then they should leave him in an old age home. But don’t fight.


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