New Delhi: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav reacted to the incident of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar touching Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday and said that he felt terrible and found it painful to see. Yadav was referring to Modi’s rally in Bihar earlier today ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections where he was joined by Nitish Kumar, Chirag Paswan and other BJP-JDU leaders Nitish momentarily touched PM’s feet.

“Today I saw a picture of Nitish Kumar where he touched the feet of Prime Minister Narendra Modi…We felt very bad. What has happened? Nitish Kumar is our guardian…There is no other CM as experienced as Nitish Kumar and he is touching the feet of PM Modi,” said Tejashwi.

#WATCH | Patna: Former Bihar Deputy Chief Minister and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav says, “Today I saw a picture of Nitish Kumar where he touched the feet of Prime Minister Narendra Modi…We felt very bad. What has happened? Nitish Kumar is our guardian…There is no other Chief…

— ANI (@ANI) April 7, 2024

Earlier today, Tejashvi Yadav hit out at PM Modi and called him a “machine of lies.” Reacting to Modi’s statement that leaders of the INDIA alliance are “anti-Sanatan”, RJD leader said, “What is the proof? Am I not a Hindu? There is a temple in my house. Are people of the BJP considering themselves as God? People of BJP should not compare themselves with God. God is watching everything and everyone has to go there.”

In the post on X, Yadav had accused the BJP of indulging in “institutional, organised and systematic corruption”, which was marked by huge donations to the party through electoral bonds and hounding of political adversaries through ED, CBI and IT department.

Yadav, who is named in land-for-jobs scam, pertaining to father Lalu Prasad’s tenure as Railway Minister when he was a minor, had also sought to know why the agencies took no action against leaders of the BJP who faced corruption allegations and how come turncoats from the opposition camp often got reprieve after crossing over.

“I am glad that ever since I started flagging the political dynasts in the BJP-led coalition, the PM has stopped his rants against parivarvad. The very candidate he has campaigned for Bihar comes from a political family,” he said.

He also scoffed at the PM’s claim “I address rallies only to have a darshan of my people” despite being confident of a win in the elections, which is being predicted by surveys.

The RJD leader remarked, “If that is so, why is the PM having a darshan of the people only during election time? The fact is, he is scared. So he is playing mind games. He has been a manufacturer, distributor and wholesaler, all rolled into one, of lies.”