Surendra Jain, Dharsiwa. In the case of suicide of BJP worker Santosh Patel from Dharsiwa, a 6-member investigation committee of Congress visited the house of the deceased. The convener of this committee, Khallari MLA Dwarkadhish Yadav, Kasdol MLA Sandeep Sahu, Bhatapara MLA Indra Sao, former Rajya Sabha MP Chhaya Verma and former MLA Anita Sharma met the family members of the deceased.

MLA Dwarkadhish Yadav said that if the Vidhansabha TI had taken timely action against the liquor smugglers who entered the house and beat up the people, this tragic incident would not have happened. Questioning the law and order of the state, he demanded a compensation of Rs 50 lakh for the family of the deceased and registration of a case of culpable homicide against the guilty police officer.

While talking to, the family members of the deceased Santosh Patel said that 5 people entered their house and beat them up. Santosh Patel used to support his family by driving a school bus and he has two children, who are now helpless after this tragic incident.

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