Shivam Mishra, Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai has said that criminals should fear the law and victims should get speedy justice. The general public should have faith in the police administration. No citizen should be harassed without reason. The police should behave friendly with the common citizens. The atmosphere of police stations should be such that the common citizen should expect cooperation while entering the police station. He was reviewing the law and order situation in the state on the second day of the Collector-SP Conference at the New Circuit House in the capital today.

Chief Minister Sai said that to control crime in the state, the Collector and SP should coordinate with each other and ensure effective action. He said that the Central Government has changed the Penal Code to the Judicial Code. While ensuring its implementation on the ground, the police will have to mold themselves to work in accordance with these new laws. He said that our government is committed to providing good governance, and the number of crimes has decreased compared to previous years.

There is a need to promote social policing afresh

The Chief Minister said that there is a need to promote social policing in the state afresh, this will help in preventing crimes. People have to be made aware and they have to be assured that the police is with them. Chief Minister Sai said that cow smuggling and drug abuse is a big problem in the state, ensure end to end action in such cases while ensuring strict control over it. He said that by running a campaign to stop the transportation and sale of illegal liquor, gambling, betting and smuggling of ganja, ensure legal action against the culprits. Keep a close watch on those who spread unrest in the society, rumors and ensure quick action against them. There should be no delay in action in cases like murder and ensure quick action in such cases on priority. The Chief Minister said that district banishment and restrictive action should not stop. He said that there should be no delay in restrictive cases and action of district banishment should not be done only on paper but in reality.

Many complaints of illegal liquor sale

The Chief Minister said that there are many complaints of illegal liquor sale, in which the police are accused of protection, this should not happen at all. Illegal liquor sale should be completely stopped. In many places, people are very angry about the investigation of illegal liquor sale, complaints are received in this regard that the investigation team is not investigating properly, officers are not present in the investigation. He said that such negligence will not be tolerated. The Chief Minister said that cases of fraud are also coming to light in Kisan Samman Nidhi, on which immediate action should be ensured.

There is a need to improve the efficiency of police

The Chief Minister said that crimes have decreased in Bilaspur Police Range, but not being satisfied with this, there is a need to further improve the level of police activity. Similarly, he said that Durg Police Range needs to work harder. Expressing displeasure, he said that murder and robbery cases are not being solved even in 6 months, this is not fair. In many cases, the accused is absconding, action should be taken on this quickly. Chief Minister Sai said that good work has been done at some places in Rajnandgaon Police Range, good action has been taken in Trinetra App and Chitfund cases but this alone is not enough.

Expressing concern over the increasing road accidents in the state, the Chief Minister said that common people should be advised to follow traffic rules and wear seat belts and helmets. In the meeting, he discussed the measures that can be taken to make policing more reliable, transparent and accountable in the coming days.

Keep a close eye on land mafias

While reviewing the Raipur range, Chief Minister Sai laid special emphasis on the quality of policing in the capital. He said that Raipur is the capital of the state and it is very important that the policing here should be at the best level. The Chief Minister expressed serious concern over the complaints of land mafias occupying government and common citizens’ land in Raipur. He said that the police and revenue department should jointly keep a close watch on this problem and take immediate action.

campaign against drug addiction

The Chief Minister said that he has given instructions to take immediate strict action on the sale of narcotics. He said that the police will have to break the ecosystem of this illegal trade and end it by reaching the root of the crime. He said that there is a need to run a comprehensive awareness campaign against drug abuse in schools and colleges in Raipur, so that the youth can be saved from this fatal trend.

Conduct night patrols in the capital

Emphasizing the need to make night patrolling more effective in the capital, the Chief Minister instructed to continue police patrolling and ensure strict action against organized crime. He told everyone to plan and run a continuous campaign against crime and criminals so that crime can be controlled and the law and order situation can be improved.

Chief Secretary Amitabh Jain, Director General of Police Ashok Juneja, Divisional Commissioners of the state, Inspector General of Police, Collectors and Superintendents of Police along with other senior officers were present in the Collector-SP Conference.