After receiving bail from the Supreme Court, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal addressed a press conference from his party office on Sunday. CM Arvind Kejriwal announced he is going to resign from the CM position after two days. 

Kejriwal added that he would take a chief minister post gain when people chose him in the coming election. “I would not sit on the CM chair until the people give their verdict… I will go to every house and street and not sit on the CM chair till I get a verdict from the people,” he said.

He also criticszed the BJP and asserted that their schemes could not break AAP rock-solid determination. 

उनकी साज़िशें हमारे चट्टान जैसे हौसलों को नहीं तोड़ पाईं, हम फिर से आपके बीच में हैं। हम देश के लिए यूँ ही लड़ते रहेंगे, बस आप सब लोगों का साथ चाहिए – CM @ArvindKejriwal l LIVE
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) September 15, 2024

Responding to BJP’s demand for his resignation from jail, the AAP supremo said that he didn’t resign from jail because he wanted to protect the Constitution of India. 

He said, “I did not resign from the jail because I wanted to protect the Constitution of India. I wanted to fail their formula… The SC asked the central government why a government cannot run from the jail… The SC proved that a government can run from jail…”