Tag: Munishri Sudhakar

  • ‘Masakhman Tapasya’ felicitation ceremony: Munishri Sudhakar said- Tapasya makes life pure and golden

    Nitin Namdev, Raipur. As part of the Gatiman Chaturmasik stay, a felicitation ceremony of the fifth “Masakhman Tapasya” was organized in Shrilal Ganga Patwa Bhawan Tagore Nagar on August 30 in the presence of Munishri Sudhakar and Munishri Naresh Kumar, disciples of Acharya Mahashraman. It is special that for the first time in the Raipur Jain Terapanth community, with the special inspiration of Munishri, five Masakhman Tapasyas, that is, the penance in the form of abstaining from any kind of food for a month, were completed happily. On this occasion, Munishri Sudhakar said that penance tortures and makes the life golden.

    Today, on the occasion of the 144th Nirvana Divas of Acharya Shri Jayacharya of Terapanth Dharma Sangh, Munishri Sudhakar said that great men incarnate on earth only occasionally. Acharya Jayacharya was blessed with such special talent. Probably, on the strength of his meditation, he had divine powers, the miracle of which is seen occasionally. He has done a special favour on the Terapanth Dharma Sangh. Munishri further said that he was not a man but a great man, not a human but a great man, that is, he was like a god because the then king of Jaipur used to come to see him in disguise at midnight.

    Munishri, while approving the penance of ascetic Kamal Lalavani present there by narrating his 36 years of penance, praised him a lot and called upon the present Shravaks and Shravikaas to take inspiration from him.

    Munishri Naresh Kumar sang a melodious song

    All the federations of Terapanthi Dharma Sangh along with the family members present also approved the penance of the ascetic. It was conducted by Manish Nahar. Other ascetics Mamta Chopra-58, Mukta Chhajed-6, Manak Chopra and Nirmala Bhandari were present with the acknowledgment of their Siddhi penance.