Tag: Sri Guru Minerals

  • The officials of the Mineral Department are in the dock due to the statements of the villagers to the Patwari, why are they issuing royalty for the closed dolomite mine…

    Ravi Goyal, Sakti. In the complaint of illegal dolomite excavation in Sakti district, the officials of the Mineral Department who gave protection to the crusher operator Gurushree Minerals and prepared the investigation report are being cornered. The statement of the villagers given in front of the Patwari who reached Chhita Pandaria village for on-the-spot investigation is putting the officials who gave the investigation report in the dock. Also read: This path is not easy: Liquor lovers reach to buy liquor by falling from the dilapidated road, victims of accidents are happening daily, who will take care of it…

    According to the information, the villagers have told the Patwari about the current status of Gurushree Minerals’ Khasra number 5/2 mines that the said mine has been closed for the last 2 to 3 years. After the statements of the villagers and the Patwari’s Panchnama report, the investigation report of the Mineral Department officials has been questioned.

    He has informed that royalty of about 9 lakh tonnes has been deducted from the said mines from the year 2021 to 2024-25. This royalty is being deducted from the mine which has been closed for 3 years, so that the excavation of about 20 lakh tonnes of dolomite before time by Gurushree Minerals against the rules can be balanced. In the last 3 years, about 70 percent of the royalty has been balanced by deducting royalty of about 9 lakh tonnes.

    The plan was to balance the remaining 10 to 11 lakh tonnes of royalty in the same way by showing the mine as operational on paper, but after the complaint of land owner Raghuveer Singh and the investigation by the Patwari, the setting of the entire plan seems to be deteriorating, and now questions have been raised on the investigation report of the officials of the Mineral Department, due to which the officials of the Mineral and Revenue Department are preparing to conduct the investigation again.