Tag: Twelve vow acceptance workshop organized: Munishri Sudhakar said- all the paths lead astray

  • Twelve vow acceptance workshop organized: Munishri Sudhakar said- all the people lead astray, there is no one to take care of them

    Raipur. Terapanth Yuvak Parishad organized a workshop on acceptance of twelve vows at Patwa Bhawan in Tagore Nagar in the capital Raipur today. It was chaired by Acharya Mahashraman’s disciples Munishri Sudhakar and Munishri Naresh Kumar.

    During this Munishri Sudhakar said that there are so many paths in life which will lead you astray, there is no one to take care of you, you have to take care of yourself. So you have to take care of your children in time. There can be a tendency of your thoughts. They may start considering you as an enemy, they may start hating you, the feelings that will develop in the next ten years will be amazing. Every family should express itself through the values ​​of the parents. Where the children go. Where they sit. The image of friends makes the character of your children. How does it make someone’s character? By looking at the company one will come to know what his character is like.

    If water starts flowing like a waterfall, it is difficult to stop it. Today, the traps of temptation are spread everywhere. Today we see how the economy of the country is. You can get a big name for a little hard work. But if life stops in between, then what will be the use of money. There is speed without love. And there is no progress without speed. Our focus should be on use and not on consumption.

    What does a person expect? What is the importance of facts? Buying a car on loan, a house on loan. Control your desires. Why are people unhappy today? Which country is inept and which country is a player? We cannot practice divine results like considering each other as untouchable and untouchable.

    A workshop on the 12 paths is being held. The 12 vows are not a subject of discourse but a ground for experimentation. You can have as much freedom in this as you want. There is no need to panic. Those who observe the 12 vows.