WhatsApp has announced a new feature. Its name is- Channels. After reading this, did you not remember the ‘Channel’ feature of Telegram? WhatsApp Channels also appear to be similar. This will be a broadcast feature, with the help of which people or organizations will be able to deliver information to their followers and update them on their favorite topics. On Thursday, WhatsApp said that the channel feature is being launched in Colombia and Singapore. In the coming months, this facility will be brought to other countries including India. What is WhatsApp channel? According to WhatsApp, ‘Channels’ are a simple, reliable and private way to get important updates. ‘Channels’ are being moved to a new tab called ‘Updates’. In this tab, users will see the ‘status’ and ‘channels’ they are following. What can you send on the channel? WhatsApp has said that the channel is a tool which will have one-way communication. With its help, the administrator will be able to send text, photo, video, sticker and poll to his followers. WhatsApp is also creating a directory so that people can easily search their favorite channels on WhatsApp. Channels can also be connected through online links. Private information of both admins and followers will remain safe. WhatsApp has said that its aim is to make the ‘Channel’ feature the world’s most private broadcast service. The personal information of both admins and followers on the channel will remain safe. The channel administrator’s phone number and profile photo will not be visible to his followers. Similarly, if you follow any channel then the admin or other followers will not be able to see your phone number. Which channel to follow and which not to follow will completely depend on the wishes of the user. Channel history will be saved for 30 days. WhatsApp will keep the history of every channel on its server for 30 days. Such methods will also be introduced so that its followers can remove the updates received on the channel from their devices as soon as possible. Admins will have the power to block screenshots and forward messages sent from their channel. Any person can create a channel. WhatsApp has said that any person can create his own channel. Admin will be able to decide who can follow their channel. WhatsApp will also bring such a feature so that when people search in the directory, they will find channels related to their favorite topics. WhatsApp has expressed hope that people will enjoy using the channel feature.
Tag: What is WhatsApp channel
What are WhatsApp Channels, how to join, know everything
WhatsApp is a very popular messaging platform across the world. It is also known as the most popular instant messaging app in India. The company has recently added many new features to the platform which have increased user convenience and privacy to a great extent. Now another new feature has come on WhatsApp whose name is WhatsApp Channel. Let us know what is WhatsApp channel, and who can use it, and how to use it. WhatsApp channels also means a channel in which the user can follow a celebrity or community or group. That means world’s famous personalities will be present here. Apart from this, many types of platform handles will also be available to the users like news, cinema, sports, entertainment, technology etc. This means that you will be able to follow the channel of your favorite topic and will keep getting new information related to it. Meta has launched this feature in more than 150 countries of the world. In which India is also included. Through a post on Facebook, the company’s founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that he is launching WhatsApp Channels globally, the rollout of which has started. Thousands of channels are being added to it which users can follow. How to join WhatsApp channels: To use WhatsApp channels, check that you have the latest version of the app. For WhatsApp channel, you will have to go to the option called Updates which will be the next column from Chats. After this the user has to click on the + icon. After that click on New Channel and then click on Get Started. Follow the instructions on the screen. Leaders like PM Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal have also recently joined the WhatsApp channel. NDTV is also available on WhatsApp channel where you can watch the latest news. It is being said that Meta has launched this new feature to compete with Telegram. On this, users can watch and join the most liked or latest channels. The company has also given the option to react through emoji. -
PM Modi joined WhatsApp channels, what is this? How to follow? Know complete details
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has joined WhatsApp Channels. This is the latest feature introduced by WhatsApp. With the help of Channels feature, one-way broadcasting can be done i.e. every update related to yourself can be shared with the followers. Users can follow their favorite WhatsApp channels. Till the time of writing the news, more than 45 thousand followers have joined the channel named ‘Narendra Modi’ and this number is increasing very fast. If you also want to explore WhatsApp channels. If you want to join PM Modi’s channel, then read the full news. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is very active on social media. He is quite active on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter). Just before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, WhatsApp channels can be another better way to connect with people. Further in the news, we will tell you how to follow PM Modi’s WhatsApp channel. What are WhatsApp channels? It is a one-way broadcast tool. That means whoever creates his WhatsApp channel can send information related to himself to his followers. Followers cannot communicate with him directly. Text messages, photos, videos, stickers and polls can be sent through WhatsApp channel. This feature is available in a new tab named Updates. What did PM Modi write on WhatsApp channel? PM Modi has shared a picture of the new Parliament building in his first message on WhatsApp channel. He wrote- Thrilled to join the WhatsApp community! This is another step in our journey of continued dialogue. Let’s stay connected here! Follow PM Modi’s WhatsApp channel like this. WhatsApp Channels feature is available for all Android, iOS and desktop users. Before accessing this feature, make sure that your WhatsApp is running on the updated version. Open WhatsApp. A new tab named Updates will appear at the top, right after the chats.Click on Updates, where you will see the status. You have to scroll down. A big icon of channels will appear at the bottom. Many channels will also be visible which can be followed. You can find the channel you want to join by clicking on the Find Channels tab. To search PM Modi’s channel, click on the Find Channels tab.
Go to search and type- narendra modi. You will start seeing PM Modi’s channel. You can join PM Modi’s channel by clicking on the follow button.