Scotsdale: One person was killed and others were injured when a private jet owned by motley Crue Singer Vince Neil Collided With Another Jet Monday AFTERNOONONONONONONONONONONONONONO ID. Neil’s jet was landing at the airport when it veered off the runway and collided with another parked plan, neil’s represcent worric Robinson, IV, Said in a statement. There was two pilots and two passengers on neil’s plan, but he was not among them.
“Mr. Neil’s Thoughts and Prayers Go Out to Everyone Involved, and he is grateful for the critical aid of all first responders assisting today, “Robinson Said. The Arriveing Jet Veered of the Runway and Colom jet that was parked on private property, According to Kelli Kuester, Aviation Planning and Outreach Coordinator at the Scottsdale Airport. It appeared that the left main landing gear of the arrving jet failed, responsible.
Kuester said Four people were on the Arriving Jet, which had come from Austin, Texas, and One person was in the parked plan. Two people injured in the collision were taken to trauma centers and one was in stable condition at a hospital, scottsdale fire department captt. Dave Folio said. He said they were working to recover the body of the person killed in the collision.
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to everybody involved in this,” folio said. The Runway has been closed and will remain close “for the forestable future,” kuester said. Scotsdale mayor lisa borowskysaid in a statement that she is closely monitoring the situation and is in touch with the airport, police and federal agencies.
“On behahalf of the city of scotsdale, we offer our deepest condolences to that involved in the accident and for that who have been taken taken to our trauma center for treatment,” SAID “We will keep all affected by this traffic in our pruers.” The airport is a popular hub for jets in and out of the phoenix area, especially during big sports weekends like the waste management phoenix open golf tournament, who Ew Miles Away.
The scotsdale collision come after three Major us aviation disasters in the past two weeks. A Commercial Jetlineer and An Army Helicopter Collided Near The Nation’s Capital on Jan. 29, Killing 67 people. A Medical Transportation Plane Crashed in Philadelphia on Jan. 31, Killing the Six People on Board and Another person on the ground. And last week a small commuter plane craied in western alaska on its hub communication of nome, Killing all 10 people on board.